Vitamin D Injections: Protection Against COVID-19

Vitamin D boosts your body’s natural defense against viruses and bacteria. It may also help prevent an exaggerated inflammatory response, which has been shown to contribute to severe illness in some people with COVID-19.

Vitamin D is important to the function of the immune system and Vitamin D supplements have previously been shown to lower the risk of viral respiratory tract infections. Our statistical analysis suggests this may be true for the COVID-19 infection.

Vitamin D is very important in the function of our body. Research shows it protects us against a host of health problems.

Low Vitamin D has been associated with the following:

Normally, Vitamin D can be found in foods like fish, milk, egg yolks and cereals.

Sunlight is a great source of Vitamin D but fair-skinned individuals and those who are younger convert sunshine into Vitamin D far better than those who are darker-skinned and over age 50. During the winter seasons, getting sufficient exposure to Vitamin D becomes much more difficult.

How do I get an injection?

Vitamin D injections have been utilized for decades. StarMed is offering FREE injections at our 4001 Tuckaseegee drive thru location.

The injection is usually administered in the shoulder/arm but depending upon your anatomy may have to occur in the gluteal or thigh region.

How much does it cost?

We want you to be healthy and safe and are offering FREE injections to the general public. You will not be charged.

Dosing guidelines for children and adults:

Learn More about Vitamin D and it's potential:

Follow this link to watch Dr. JoAnn Manson of Harvard Medical School discuss Vitamin D and it’s potential to aid in the fight against COVID-19.