7 Tips to Keep Spring Break Safe and Healthy

Spring break isn’t only for college kids partying on Florida beaches.

These days, as winter blends into spring, many families travel on a spring vacation as a getaway from the rigors of work and school. Or they stay home to relax and change their routine.

It’s easy when you’re on spring break to veer from healthy behaviors. Maybe it’s consuming too many calories or overdoing it in other areas. A good first step is scheduling a quick COVID-19 PCR test at a Starmed Healthcare location, just to be safe. There’s no cost and walk-ups are welcome.

Here are 7 tips to have a relaxing break, and remain healthy and safe:

Use sunscreen

Sunburn is painful, and preventable. Apply sunscreen before any outdoor activity and make sure to reapply anytime you get wet, whether it’s from the pool, ocean or sweat. Sunscreen decreases your risk of developing skin cancer, wrinkles, and pre-mature skin aging.

Get your rest

Try to keep your sleep routine the same, even if you’re far from home. There’s often a desire to stay up late, but by sticking to a consistent sleep routine, you will feel more rested and have all the energy you need to enjoy your vacation.

Stay active

Keep moving on your break, whether that’s a hike, biking, or swimming. Make it fun so it doesn’t seem like a chore. Take along a Frisbee, a volleyball or anything to play pitch-and-catch with. Kick a soccer ball around. Change it up – your sofa and movie channels will be there when you get home.

Eat smartly

Calories count, even on spring break. Sorry! It’s tasty and tempting to overindulge. Try not to overdo it, but if it happens one meal, don’t make it a habit during your break. Think about choosing meals and snacks that can provide vitamins and protein. Mix in some fruits and vegetables.

Don’t forget specs

Sunshine can be abundant when spring hits. Protect your eyes from the sun’s ultraviolet rays with sunglasses. Wear them on cloudy days, too.

Block out bugs

Fend off pesky mosquitoes, gnats, and other pests by applying insect repellent if you’re headed outdoors. Remember, they’re particularly active in the evening.

Practice moderation

It’s OK to have a beer, cocktail, or glass of wine as part of your break but be careful not to overindulge. Alcohol elevates your blood sugar levels. And when you’ve had too much to drink, it’s easy to choose not-so-healthy snacks. Make sure to drink water and limit your intake of alcohol so you don’t have to deal with a hangover.  Be safe. Have fun. Enjoy your break!